Below is a directory of questions from the video sessions. You can listen to the question and answer for each individual question by clicking the timestamp. Alternatively, you can watch the entire playlist here or navigate to the video section of DCR here. Enjoy!
**Session 1A: Your Personal Monopoly**
- 36:02 ❓ How do you know what people in your market care about most?
- 52:34 ❓ How do you balance a niche and your curiosity, and what are the tradeoffs?
- 55:23 ❓ When you have multiple audiences, focus on one to build your credibility and then expand.
- 58:33 ❓ For someone in more of an exploratory phase, where would you start?
- 1:14:21 ❓ What would your strategy be to decide between multiple audiences?
- 1:16:14 ❓ What if we don't have a personal monopoly figured out yet?
- 1:20:22 ❓ How do you overcome your internal voice that tells you to wait? Or tangentially, how do you keep yourself going if your first few articles don't get traction?
- 1:25:54 ❓ I really like the Trends voice. How do you find writers that are consistent with that?
- 1:30:22 ❓ For someone that doesn't know where they stand on the scale of expertise, how do you know how much of an expert you are?
- 1:35:34 ❓ For someone that is a "jack of all trades" versus an expert in one particular space, what advice would you give to that person in packaging that information?
- 1:39:58 ❓ How do I know if my topic is niche enough?
**Session 1B: Your Personal Monopoly**
- 55:58 ❓ For a company blog, who do we want the blog to serve, if there are multiple audiences?
- 58:52 ❓ For a podcast on entrepreneurial parents (which the creator is not within the demographic of), how would you go about targeting that demographic?
- 1:05:33 ❓ Can you comment on the advice that you should just start writing anything and see what resonates and use that to define your audience?
- 1:08:25 ❓ Is tone if voice enough of a differentiator? Additionally, I cannot find any content of any decency within my niche? Should I be concerned about that?
- 1:25:46 ❓ I'm struggling to find people within my niche. I know that they exist within another medium, but how would you suggest targeting these people?